Tuesday 30 January 2018

WORKBENCH: GNW Russian Foot & Horse Grenadiers

Time to actually show you some figures, after banging on about why I am doing the GNW, issues with Pendrakens ranges, and getting them painted in Sri Lanka.

I am currently working on Russian foot and horse grenadiers to create one horse regiment and two foot battalions.

The process is:

1. Figures arrive back from Fernando Enterprises like this:

2. I then put them on sticks using blu tack:

3. A thinned coat of army painter dark tone is then brushed on conservatively using a brush:

Once the army painter has dried (always leave them at least two days to really dry out), I just give them a quick spray with them with army painter matt varnish (shake VERY well for at least two minutes before spraying, and be very conservative by applying from about 18" away).

Note that the horse grenadier photo has a painted flag.  I didn't want to fudge this unit using a figure in a tricorn with a bare flagpole, so I just painted a very simple representation of a Russian standard so I could use the grenadier figure.


  1. Looks very good.

    It is exactly the same paint method I use on my 10mm.

    How do you thin your Army Painter? Do you decant some and then add thinner, use thinner on your brush or do you do the whole tin?

    I have a large 7YW project I'm working my way through

    1. I thin the tin of army painter before each use. Just a small splash of white spirit, then seal and shake. So it's probably kept about 10% thinner, just enough to sit well in the smaller recesses of 10mm figures.

      Then I use the brush to drip what I need into a plastic lid, then shut the army painter tin. Keeps air exposure to a minimum that way.

      By doing that I've used the same tin of AP for a year!
